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Marketing tips and tools to help your business grow. 

Tips to Keep Your Medical Blog Fresh and Engaging

One of the easiest ways to generate inbound traffic for your healthcare practice’s website is by keeping an online blog. We recommend that you update your blog on a consistent basis – once a week can be a reasonable goal for a beginning blogger – but oftentimes it can...

Why You Aren’t Targeting the Right Market

Marketing has historically targeted male consumers. The tide has changed and many businesses are realizing that women make the vast majority of purchases, including health care decisions. If you are not already targeting your female audience, here are some reasons you...

Social Media’s Growing Impact on Healthcare

Social media has made a significant impact on the healthcare industry. It has changed the way patients find doctors and changed the way doctors communicate with both prospective and existing patients. It has given the healthcare industry a platform for sharing...

The Cure for Negative Patient Reviews is…

The internet has become a primary source of new patients for the healthcare industry, making it an important component to any medical marketing strategy. According to Pew Internet Project’s January 2014 survey, 72% of patients are using the internet for health...

Are Online Coupon Sites Smart for Your Medical Practice?

Social media has evolved into one of the most successful and least costly ways to gain new patients. Physicians are regularly searching for ways to market their practice or facility. A recent trend within the healthcare industry involves utilizing online sites such as...

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