Let's Talk! 541-604-7014

Monetizing Your Patient Base

As medical marketing evolves it is more important than ever to provide targeted marketing to both prospective and existing patients. Take a step back and let that thought sit. Practices often become preoccupied with attracting new patients either through advertising...

Color is Key When Planning Your Online Presence

You might be thinking of choosing what’s best to put on social networks, website, or on third party sites but one piece of the marketing repertoire that companies often overlook is color. The purpose of a website is not to list everything imaginable about your...

Patient Loyalty Programs: What’s in it for Me?

As medical marketing evolves it is more important than ever to provide targeted marketing to both prospective and existing patients. It is even more important to satisfy patients’ needs in order to effectively grow. As patients’ choices grow, the need to reward them...

The Employee/Patient Connection and Why it Matters

More often than not, a patient’s first contact with your practice is through your employees. The impression that this encounter makes paves the way for your practices success or failure. The power of a genuine smile and interest is priceless. When people are...


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