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Are You Ignoring Your Practice’s Facebook Page?

Many medical practices begin using social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter because they feel that is what they need to do to remain competitive. While social media marketing is quite popular and beneficial, if not given proper attention, it can actually...

Enhancing the Patient Experience through the Phone

A recent article I read titled, Improving Hospital Patients’ Experience is Just a Phone Call Away, brought to mind a blog we wrote in 2010 on the importance of the physician phone call for patient retention. If you missed that blog post, you can read it here....

The Importance of Having a Unique Website

If you have a website, it is highly likely that you have heard about the importance of having unique content on the site. Unique content is content that has not been reproduced or duplicated from any other site. It is content that is 100% yours. Many medical and...

Improving Social Media Engagement

Social media marketing for a medical practice varies significantly from marketing within other industries. The biggest difference is HIPAA and protecting your patient’s privacy. This can make launching a social media strategy daunting. Once you get past this hurdle...

Your Blog Content Matters

Blogging can be a difficult task for some physicians because the task of creating unique content on a consistent basis is stressful. At times, you might find yourself sounding like a broken record, repeating the same ideas over and over again until they are trite and...

Staying Ahead of the Competition Online

The medical industry has become highly competitive. Patients now have a choice in where they go for their healthcare. They expect their providers to treat them well, to offer state-of-the-art medical equipment, a friendly staff, and a powerful web presence. When...


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