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Email marketing isn’t dead. 

Social media marketing isn’t the only game in town. 

Marketing has evolved, and most businesses have seen the benefits of using digital tactics such as social media marketing to grow their business. Or perhaps they see that their competitors are on it, so it must work, so they jump on the bandwagon, too. 

Many have proclaimed the death of email marketing, especially with the rise of social media. However, despite the proliferation of various social platforms, email marketing remains a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience, generate leads, and drive conversions.

A recent article in Entrepreneur magazine highlighted the enduring effectiveness of email as a marketing strategy. And we wrote a similar article titled, you guessed it, Email Marketing Isn’t Dead back in 2019! Yes, five years ago! 

The Entrepreneur article emphasized that unlike social media, where platforms and algorithms dictate your access to your audience, email allows you to own your list. This level of control is crucial for businesses, as it ensures that their messages reach their intended recipients without being at the mercy of ever-changing algorithms.

Data Proves It Works

Let’s look at the data. After scouring our own clients’ email campaign data, we found similar rates to those highlighted in the Entrepreneur article. 

  • Open rates: 45.30%
  • Click-through rates: 4.77%
  • Click-to-open rates: 10.53%

First and foremost, pay attention to the open rates of 45.30%. That is HUGE. The average organic reach of your posts – or, in simpler terms – the average number of people who see your social media content without paying to boost the post is 5%. Yes, 5%. So, if you have 100 fans and followers, only five will see your content. This number can be improved organically by creating engaging content that people like, share, comment, click, or save, but 5% vs 45% is staggering. 

Personalize Emails for Better Results

Moreover, the Entrepreneur article pointed out that email marketing enables personalized and segmented communication at scale. Social media is great for building awareness and engagement, but email marketing is 40% more effective at conversions, according to a McKinsey report. Think about it. The people in your contact list know who you are and care enough about your business to give you their email addresses for communications. They want to hear from you. But a word to the wise – avoid sending all of your contacts the same email whenever possible. Instead, tailor content based on user preferences and behavior by sending targeted messages that resonate with individual recipients.

Automate Email Marketing

Additionally, automation tools have further enhanced the capabilities of email marketing. Businesses can streamline their marketing efforts by leveraging automation, sending “the right message to the right person at the right time, without lifting a finger.” At MindStream Creative, we offer SharpSpring, which provides marketing automation and many other tools. 

It’s clear that email marketing offers distinct advantages that should not be overlooked. If you want to get the best bang for your buck, use both social media and email. The platforms complement each other, and social media can be used to grow your email list. 

Despite the allure of social media, email marketing remains a vital component of a comprehensive strategy. Its ability to provide direct access to audiences, enable personalized communication, and streamline marketing efforts makes it a valuable tool for businesses looking to connect with customers and drive results. As such, businesses need to recognize the enduring relevance of email marketing and re-incorporate it into their overall marketing efforts.