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“You can’t hit targets you aren’t aiming at.”

This compelling quote from the founder of BNI founder, Dr. Ivan Misner, is a perfect introduction to the importance of goal setting. 

The new year brings about change in many forms. In business, the new year often means creating a strategic plan that, with work, facilitates growth and development. What many companies fail to do at the onset of each new year, however, is set goals.

It can seem overwhelming to know how to start. Some businesses guess at where they want their business to be in 12 months. Others get stuck in indecision. Here are five tips to help make goal setting a little easier.

Five Tips for Business Goal Setting

  1. Goal setting should be broken down into buckets. Ideally, these buckets will consist of more easily attainable goals, growth goals, and breakthrough goals. The difference between growth goals and breakthrough goals is that with breakthrough goals, you are setting your sight on the ultimate win for the year. These are the goals that are record-setting for your business. Place the goals in a location where you and your team can see them every day and be sure to update YTD numbers to keep motivation up. 
  2. Goals aren’t just about numbers. Set goals that help you reach your breakthrough goal. Customer satisfaction rating goals and employee satisfaction goals should always be on the list. Social media posting and content marketing/blog publishing goals can also be very helpful. 
  3. Be consistent with your goal planning and implementation. Identify what your business does well and do more of it. It is challenging to do everything for everyone, so get laser-focused and become a leader in the services that bring the most joy. 
  4. Create a vision that is unifying for the culture of the organization you want to have. Consider what you want to be known for within your community. How will you improve the lives of others? What will you never compromise on in your business? Ensure your marketing plan adheres to this vision and philosophy. And make sure your employees are drinking the proverbial Kool-Aid too!
  5. Break your goals up into quarters. Once you have set your goals, break them down, and determine where you should be at the end of Q1, Q2, and Q3. This will help you gauge whether or not you are on target and where you need to really push to meet your objectives. Some businesses have busy times of the year and slower times. Account for this in your planning.

It is never too late to begin goal-setting. Whether your business has been around for a decade, like MindStream Creative, or you are just getting started, make setting goals a priority.

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