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As 2011 makes its final descent many businesses are taking time to thank their employees for their hard work and dedication.  An equally important step businesses should take is making the time to thank their patients for choosing them as providers. Just as critical happy employees are to the livelihood of your practice, so too is the happiness of your patient base.

There are many ways a medical practice can show appreciation to their patients and some do not cost a penny. One of the easiest ways I suggest you show patients your appreciation is by making the time to thank them for choosing you. This is best done by the doctor, although each staff member should certainly lend themselves toward being appreciative to the patient as well. Dr. X can simply say, “I know you have a choice when it comes to who cares for your eyes and I want to personally thank you for choosing me as your provider.” Done! This means so much to a patient and even more when delivered by their healthcare provider.

As your mailbox is filling up with holiday cards from vendors, why not create an office card that can be sent out to patients? In my lifetime, I can only recall one medical provider that has thanked me by way of a holiday card. It is a simple card that thanks me for choosing them and is signed by the doctor. This means so much because it is unique. Many medical providers receive cards from their patients thanking them for doing such a good job. Why not return the sentiment with a card of your own? It may be too late for 2011, but it can easily be put on the marketing calendar for 2012! Just be sure to give yourself time to have the card designed, printed and mailed to your office.

Similar to holiday cards, but even more personal is the birthday greeting. The same provider that sends me a holiday card also sends me a birthday card each year. What a wonderful way to make me feel special on my day. Again, this is completely unexpected and because of this, appreciated by patients. Before you get overwhelmed with the thought of sending out a birthday card to the hundreds or thousands of patients in your database, consider an automated mailing system. You can even send out email birthday cards if you are keeping good record of these important addresses.

Whether big or small, a thank you goes a long way. Make the time each day to thank every patient you encounter and you will see the benefits by way of a loyal patient base. What could be better than that? Happy Holidays from the team at MindStream Creative!


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