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The Truth Behind Building a Better Healthcare Brand

Branding, it brings to mind the likes of Coke, Disney and Apple. You know, the multi-million dollar organizations with huge marketing budgets. Until recently the proper branding of a healthcare organization was an afterthought. Branding was something that was left to...

Point of Care Marketing: How Does Yours Stack Up?

Your facility has a “Back to School”event coming up. You’ll be given school/sports physicals, immunizations, and you’ve even decided to add some fun events into the day for the children. But if you’re simply relying on a newspaper or television ad to get the word out...

Seven Secrets of Negative Online Patient Reviews

In a busy medical practice it is nearly impossible to maintain a perfect reputation 100 percent of the time. Patients have different opinions and expectations of your practice and while most patients will sing your praises, you are bound to disappoint at least one....


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