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Medical Marketing Woes

Let’s face it, marketing a medical practice costs money. It also takes time and experience to do it properly. Depending on the medical practice or facilities specialty, there may not have been a need to market previously. As the medical industry becomes more...

How Not to Grow a Medical Practice

Patients have many choices available when considering a health care provider. Insurance companies are relied on less frequently when it comes to medical provider selection. Patient satisfaction is the cornerstone to any marketing growth plan. There are numerous ways...

It’s Medical Marketing Half Time

July marks the halfway point through the 2011 calendar. It is an important time of the year to pause and assess where you are as a medical practice with respect to your 2011 marketing goals and objectives. Are your numbers lower or higher than you are were hoping or...

How to Generate New Content For Your Healthcare Blog

One of the easiest ways to generate inbound traffic for your healthcare practice’s website is by keeping an online blog. We recommend that you update your blog on a consistent basis – once a week can be a reasonable goal for a beginning blogger – but oftentimes it can...

Keeping Up with Your Practice’s Competition

When it comes to healthcare, patients have choices to make. If you are in a field such as ophthalmology, otolaryngology, plastic surgery or aesthetics, which often requires patients to pay out of pocket for services not covered by insurance, then you are more aware of...


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