by Melanie Herron | Mar 7, 2016 | Blog
When soliciting for exceptional healthcare employees, having a team of highly skilled employees goes without saying. We want all of our employees to have the skills needed to perform their job duties exceptionally. But what else is important? Believe it or not, the...
by Melanie Herron | Feb 22, 2016 | Blog
The competitive world in which we live has made it more challenging than ever to run a successful business without marketing. Healthcare is not immune to this need. There is a growing trend for medical marketing, however, what is most effective isn’t always what the...
by Melanie Herron | Sep 24, 2015 | Blog
To err is human, to learn from the mistakes others have made is a priceless gift no smart doctor would refuse. Here are seven mistakes great doctors never make and how you can avoid making them too. Poor Communication Between Referral Sources Up to 80% of patients...
by Melanie Herron | Jul 7, 2015 | Blog
Let’s face it, people like easy. Video is easy. It’s no wonder that social media posts using video have the most organic reach than any other type of post on Facebook. So what are you doing to increase the amount of engagement on your social media pages? Here are five...
by Melanie Herron | Jun 23, 2015 | Blog
Social media can be a highly effective tool for marketing a medical practice. The trick is to know how to use it in a way that both engages fans and connects existing and prospective patients to one another. Here are three strategies that will help make your social...