Let's Talk! 541-604-7014

Should You Hire a Marketing Employee or Outsource?

A common question among medical practices is whether or not they should hire a full-time marketing person or outsource. I can appreciate both sides of the debate having worked as both the marketing director of several health care organizations as well as the president...

Successful Reputation Management in 5 Easy Steps

The reputation of a medical provider can drive the success or failure of a medical practice. Patients today use the internet to share their experiences with others. It is vitally important that medical providers take a proactive approach to online reputation...

Helping Patients Make Smart Health Searches

A few weeks ago, we talked about how, as a doctor, it is your obligation to go to the patient with answers if the patient will not come to you for medical information. As you may have noticed, the health-related searching trend on Google is only increasing. It is...


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