by Melanie Herron | Sep 24, 2015 | Blog
To err is human, to learn from the mistakes others have made is a priceless gift no smart doctor would refuse. Here are seven mistakes great doctors never make and how you can avoid making them too. Poor Communication Between Referral Sources Up to 80% of patients...
by Melanie Herron | Aug 12, 2015 | Blog
Improving the patient experience is priority one for most healthcare organizations. They realize that one of the most effective medical marketing strategies is a happy patient. Yet the way many go about achieving this falls short. While free Wi-Fi and comfortable...
by Melanie Herron | Aug 15, 2014 | Blog
Employees, services, and outcome should mirror the intent of any facility, and that’s to deliver an excellent patient experience. Think about it: a patient isn’t coming to you because they like the paintings on the wall, for stimulating conversation or even because...
by Melanie Herron | Jul 11, 2014 | Blog
As you may have noticed, the health-related searching trend on Google is only increasing. It is probably becoming quite common for you to encounter patients who step into your office with Internet printouts. In recent weeks, how many times have you heard one of them...
by Melanie Herron | Apr 11, 2014 | Blog
We are all guilty of it. We get caught up in what we are doing and focused on completing our job that we forget to smile. In a patient or any other customer-facing career, a smile is an integral part of building trust. A smile eases tension and adds warmth. Think...