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The Doctor Search Dilemma

Even with so much technology at our disposal, it can be quite challenging to find a good healthcare provider. There are an abundance of providers out there, but how do you find “the one” – the one that is going to provide the best care? And what constitutes the...

Improving Patient No-Show Rates

Medical providers across the globe face a daily frustration – patient no-shows. What makes matters worse is the fact that when a patient doesn’t show up for an appointment, the practice loses money. One no show a day can equate to an average loss of revenue of over...

Improving Patient No-Show Rates

Medical providers across the globe face a daily frustration – patient no-shows. What makes matters worse is the fact that when a patient doesn’t show up for an appointment, the practice loses money. One no show a day can equate to an average loss of revenue of over...

Enhancing the Patient Experience through the Phone

A recent article I read titled, Improving Hospital Patients’ Experience is Just a Phone Call Away, brought to mind a blog we wrote in 2010 on the importance of the physician phone call for patient retention. If you missed that blog post, you can read it here....


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