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Growing a healthcare business today is quite different than it was ten or even five years ago. Traditional marketing, such as TV, radio and print are no longer the primary focus of successful businesses. Cost effective medical marketing strategies are mainstream with digital marketing at the helm.

According to a survey by Wolters Kluwer Health, 80 percent of physicians are using general browsers, such as Google and Yahoo, to gain information in the diagnosis, treatment and ongoing care of patients. This survey also found that 95 percent of healthcare organizations allow nurses to consult websites and other online resources to access clinical information while at work.

With the need for clinical information at such a high level, savvy businesses have realized that in order to remain competitive, they must reach their patients online. Here are three tips to boost digital marketing in healthcare.

Get Found

In order to build brand awareness and reach consumers, medical practices must first be found. The best way to achieve this is through Internet marketing, which includes a variety of digital strategies such as search engine optimization, blog writing, paid search and social media.

According to a Think with Google study, 77 percent of patients used search prior to booking an appointment. Successful practices have found it necessary to create as many online “paths” to their practice as possible. This increases the likelihood of getting found by prospective patients online dramatically.

Go Mobile

According to the same Think with Google study, approximately one-third of patients use mobile devices daily for research or to book appointments. When patients look for quick information on a mobile device they do not want to have to zoom in to see what is on the page. A responsive website is the perfect tool to eliminate the frustration many experience when performing mobile research. A responsive website is designed to adjust the page content size based upon the device that is being used. Having a responsive website provides a positive viewing experience on any device.

Get Social

The Internet is a place to reach and engage both existing and potential patients. Social media provides a powerful tool for connecting consumers by way of their story. People surround themselves with like-minded people. When searching for medical providers, patients want to know about the experiences that others have had. These experiences help fuel brand and provider recognition and build consumer loyalty.

Social media also provides a place where both providers and their brands can connect with patients. This connection goes beyond the exam room and can deepen the relationship a patient has with the practice.

Digital marketing in healthcare is here to stay. By embracing all that it has to offer, medical providers and their brands create a strong foundation that not only grows the bottom line, but also enhances the patient experience. That’s a win-win we all aspire to achieve.


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